Tyrone & Mirjana Singh
Dominion Life Bedford UK
Tyrone & Mirjana Singh serve as Pastors of Dominion Life Church Bedford. Tyrone & Mirjana came in contact with the DHT Training Seminar around Spring 2009. While listening to the DHT they discovered the simplicity of the message and how it mobilizes believers to start doing the works of Jesus Christ. They started putting what they had discovered into action and saw that the dominion life message is a message that works. Dominion Life Bedford is a multicultural church in Bedford UK that is actively involved in evangelism, mission trips and equipping believers to walk as Christ through the vehicle of LifeTeams. Tyrone travels extensively throughout the UK and Europe, teaching and training believers through the JGLM Seminars and workshops in order to assist believers to start reproducing, to step up and step out and fulfill the will of God.